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Training videos have emerged as a crucial element in the company training video production workflow, leveraging their ability to convey information effectively. In 2018, over half of consumers turned to instructional videos for learning purposes, underscoring their growing popularity. The key advantages of these videos include enhanced information retention, heightened user engagement, cost efficiency, and flexible scheduling options. To excel in creating impactful training videos, it’s essential to concentrate on clear learning outcomes, adapt the content specifically for the target audience, select an appropriate format, and identify the most effective length. These strategies are fundamental in optimising the company training video production workflow for optimal results.

Company Training Video Production Workflow | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire

What is a Training Video?

A training video is a type of video content that is used to educate and inform individuals or groups about a specific topic or skill. It is an effective medium for delivering instructional content, as it combines visuals and audio to enhance learning and engagement. Training videos are widely used in various industries, including corporate training and customer service, to impart knowledge and improve performance.

Training videos offer several advantages over traditional learning methods. By incorporating visuals, they enhance information retention and understanding. Studies have shown that content accompanied by visuals is more memorable and easier to comprehend. Additionally, training videos are highly engaging, capturing the attention of learners and increasing their motivation to learn. In fact, 73% of people prefer videos as their primary learning mode.

Moreover, training videos are cost-effective alternatives to in-person training sessions. They can be reused for multiple training sessions, eliminating the need for repeated expenses. Training videos also provide flexibility in scheduling, as learners can access the content at their convenience. This flexibility saves time and allows organisations to efficiently train their employees, resulting in improved productivity and performance.

Benefits of Training Videos 
Enhanced Information RetentionVisuals improve memory and comprehension
Higher Engagement73% of people prefer videos as a learning mode
Cost-EffectivenessEliminates repeated expenses of in-person training
Flexible SchedulingLearners can access content at their convenience

Why Make a Training Video?

Training videos offer several benefits that make them a valuable tool for organisations. Firstly, they enhance information retention by utilising visuals to support learning. Research shows that humans remember information better when it is presented alongside visuals, making training videos more effective compared to other methods. Additionally, training videos are highly engaging, with a majority of people preferring videos as their preferred learning model. By incorporating elements such as storytelling, animations, and interactive quizzes, training videos can keep viewers interested and focused on the content.

Another advantage of training videos is their cost-effectiveness. They eliminate the need for coordinating schedules for in-person training sessions, saving both time and money. Having training materials available in video format allows employees to access them at their own convenience, making it easier to fit training into their busy schedules. Moreover, training videos can be rewatched for repetition-based learning, ensuring that employees have ample opportunity to reinforce their knowledge and skills.

Overall, training videos provide organisations with a way to maximise efficiency in their training processes. By improving information retention, increasing engagement, and reducing costs, training videos contribute to the overall effectiveness of employee training and development programs. The next section will explore what makes a great training video, including tips and strategies for creating impactful content that meets specific learning outcomes.

What Makes a Great Training Video?

A great training video is a powerful tool for delivering engaging and effective learning experiences. To create a training video that truly stands out, there are several key elements to consider:

1. Clear Learning Outcomes

Every great training video starts with a clear understanding of the desired learning outcomes. Before you begin filming, define what you want your audience to learn and achieve after watching the video. This will guide the content creation process and ensure that every piece of information supports the intended learning outcomes.

2. Tailored to the Audience

No two audiences are exactly alike, so it’s important to tailor your training video to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target audience. Consider their prior knowledge and experience, as well as any unique requirements they may have. By customising the content to resonate with your audience, you can maximise engagement and improve the overall learning experience.

3. The Right Format

The format of your training video should align with the content you’re presenting. Depending on the subject matter, you may opt for animated videos to simplify complex concepts, live-action videos to demonstrate real-life examples, or even interactive videos that allow the viewer to participate and test their knowledge. Choosing the right format enhances understanding and engagement, making the video more effective in achieving its objectives.

4. Optimal Length

The ideal length of a training video depends on the content being presented. While it’s important to provide enough information for comprehensive learning, it’s equally crucial to keep the video concise and focused. Long videos can be overwhelming, while short videos may not cover the necessary details. Strive for a balance that maintains the viewer’s attention and ensures effective knowledge transfer.

By incorporating these elements into your training video, you can create a memorable and impactful learning experience that resonates with your audience. Remember to continuously evaluate and refine your videos based on feedback and data to ensure ongoing improvement.

Benefits of a Great Training VideoEnhanced information retentionIncreased audience engagementCost-effective training solution
ExplanationA well-crafted training video combines visuals and audio, improving the retention of information compared to traditional learning methods.Training videos captivate and engage viewers, making the learning experience more enjoyable and immersive.By replacing or supplementing in-person training sessions, training videos offer a cost-effective solution that saves time and resources.

Different Types of Training Videos

Training videos come in various forms, each with its own unique advantages and characteristics. Understanding the different types of training videos can help you choose the most effective format for your specific training needs.

Company Training Video Production Workflow | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire

An animated video

One popular type of training video is the animated video. Animated videos use engaging visuals and graphics to clearly represent key learning points. They can be highly effective in simplifying complex concepts or demonstrating abstract ideas. With animated videos, you have the freedom to create dynamic characters, vibrant backgrounds, and eye-catching visuals that capture your audience’s attention. Animated videos are especially useful for technical or scientific training, where visual representations can enhance understanding.

A live-action video

Another type of training video is the live-action video. Live-action videos feature real people, real-life examples, and step-by-step demonstrations. They are often used for practical training, such as teaching employees how to use equipment or demonstrating specific procedures. Live-action videos allow viewers to see real-world applications of the skills being taught, making them highly relatable and practical. They can be particularly effective for training that requires hands-on learning or for showcasing real-life scenarios.

An interactive video

Interactive videos are a more immersive and engaging form of training. These videos allow viewers to participate and test their knowledge through interactive elements such as quizzes, clickable hotspots, or decision-based scenarios. Interactive videos offer a hands-on learning experience, promoting active engagement and knowledge retention. They can be particularly effective for training that requires critical thinking, problem-solving, or decision-making skills.

Choosing the right type of training video depends on several factors, including the training objectives, the subject matter, and the preferences of your target audience. Consider the nature of the content you want to deliver and the learning outcomes you want to achieve. Each type of training video has its own strengths and advantages, so it’s important to select the format that best suits your specific training needs.

Bringing Operations Management into Your Organisation

Operations management is a critical aspect of running a successful organisation. It encompasses the planning, organising, and supervising of the production process to maximise efficiency, productivity, and ultimately, profitability. Regardless of the size or industry of your company, implementing effective operations management strategies is crucial for achieving your goals and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

By focusing on operations management, you can streamline your production workflow and optimise resource allocation. This can lead to improved productivity, reduced costs, and increased profitability. Operations managers play a vital role in overseeing production processes, managing inventory, and ensuring efficient staffing. They are responsible for identifying bottlenecks and implementing strategies to eliminate them, thus improving overall efficiency.

One key concept in operations management is the continuous improvement of processes. By regularly evaluating and analysing production workflows, organisations can identify areas for enhancement and make necessary adjustments to boost efficiency. This includes implementing lean manufacturing principles, optimising supply chain management, and adopting new technologies and automation solutions.

The Benefits of Effective Operations Management

  • Increased productivity: Effective operations management ensures that resources are used optimally, leading to higher productivity levels.
  • Improved efficiency: Streamlining processes and eliminating inefficiencies result in improved workflow and reduced waste.
  • Cost reduction: Operations management identifies cost-saving opportunities and helps in managing expenses effectively.
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: Efficient operations lead to timely delivery of products and services, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Table: Key Components of Operations Management

PlanningDeveloping strategies and setting goals to achieve desired outcomes.
OrganisingStructuring resources and activities to ensure smooth operations.
SupervisingOverseeing and managing production processes and personnel.
Continuous ImprovementIdentifying areas for enhancement and implementing changes to maximise efficiency.
Quality ControlMonitoring and ensuring the quality of products or services.

Implementing effective operations management practices can transform your organisation’s productivity, efficiency, and profitability. By embracing the principles of operations management and utilising training videos as a tool for employee education, you can further enhance your production workflow and achieve long-term success.


Operations management plays a vital role in maximising efficiency, productivity, and profitability within an organisation. By effectively managing the planning, organising, and supervising of the production process, organisations can streamline their operations and achieve success. One valuable tool in enhancing the efficiency of training processes is the use of training videos. These videos offer numerous benefits, including improved information retention, reduced training costs, and increased engagement.

Creating great training videos involves incorporating the principles of operations management. Identifying clear learning outcomes and tailoring the content to the audience are crucial steps in creating effective training videos. Furthermore, choosing the right format, such as animated videos or live-action videos, can make a significant difference in engaging the viewers. It is also important to consider the optimal length of the video, ensuring that it provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic without overwhelming the audience.

By integrating operations management principles into the creation of training videos, organisations can enhance their production workflow and achieve success in employee training and customer education. These videos not only improve the efficiency of training processes but also result in cost savings and improved knowledge retention. With the right combination of operations management and training videos, organisations can maximise their potential and thrive in today’s competitive business environment.


What is a training video?

A training video is a type of video content used to teach individuals or groups new skills or expand their knowledge on a particular topic. It can be used in various industries, such as corporate training and customer service.

Why should I make a training video?

Training videos offer several advantages, including improved information retention, higher engagement, and reduced training costs. They combine visuals with audio content, making them more effective than other learning methods. Training videos can be rewatched for repetition-based retention and save time by eliminating the need to coordinate schedules for in-person training sessions.

What makes a great training video?

A great training video is easy to understand, follows a logical structure, and is memorable. It identifies clear learning outcomes and tailors the content to the needs of the audience. The format of the video should be chosen based on the content being presented, and the ideal length depends on the complexity of the subject.

What are the different types of training videos?

Training videos come in various forms, including animated videos, live-action videos, and interactive videos. Animated videos use engaging visuals to represent key learning points, while live-action videos demonstrate processes or real-life examples. Interactive videos allow viewers to participate and test their knowledge.

What is operations management?

Operations management is essential for every organisation as it involves managing the planning, organising, and supervising of the production process to maximise efficiency and productivity. It helps organisations achieve their goals by ensuring the production and delivery of high-quality products or services while reducing costs and increasing profitability.

Luke Lv

Luke Lv is the Co-founder of Lumira Studio. With his passion for visual storytelling, Luke has established Lumira Studio as a renowned hub for video marketing expertise. Drawing upon his deep understanding of brand promotion and engagement, Luke's innovative approach has made Lumira Studio a trusted partner for brands seeking captivating and impactful campaigns.

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