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In an era increasingly dictated by smartphone usage, our content consumption patterns are transforming dramatically. One of the most significant changes we’ve seen in recent years is the ‘Vertical Video Revolution.’ Akin to a cultural shift, we’re witnessing a transition from landscape to portrait, turning conventional video norms on their head and setting new expectations for content delivery.

Vertical Video Revolution side by side view of comparison of the same footage in different frames as horizontal and vertical | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire

1. The Vertical Video Revolution

Previously seen as a faux pas, vertical videos have been freed from their shackles. Now, they’re dominating the social media scene, outperforming their horizontal counterparts in engagement rates. It’s worth noting that the mobile viewing experience is genuinely different – it’s intimate, personal, and more immersive.

This new video format is more than a fleeting trend. We are experiencing the vertical video revolution, driven by the escalating preference for mobile browsing. By 2023, mobile internet usage is projected to encompass around three-quarters of total web browsing – an inescapable reality for marketers and content creators alike.

2. Instagram and the Power of the Vertical Video

Instagram has been instrumental in the rise of vertical videos. Instagram Stories, introduced in 2016, laid the groundwork for vertical videos on the platform. Meanwhile, IGTV, with its dedicated support for long-form, vertical content, further solidified Instagram’s position as a powerhouse in the vertical video arena.

Vertical Video Revolution cropping a normal video into a vertical resolution video clip | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire3. Adapting Your Strategy to Vertical Viewing

Harnessing the potential of vertical videos requires careful strategy and planning. Here’s how you can optimise your content for mobile viewing:

a. Understand the psychology of vertical viewing

The viewer’s experience with vertical videos is different. The focus is singular, and the video takes up the entire screen, leading to a more captivating and immersive viewing experience.

b. Reconsider video lengths

Shorter videos generally perform better on mobile. With attention spans dwindling, videos that can convey a message succinctly have a higher chance of resonating with viewers.

c. Emphasise the first few seconds

You have only a few moments to grab your audience’s attention. Make the beginning of your video compelling to ensure viewers continue watching.

d. Subtitles are a must

Many mobile users watch videos without sound, so ensure your message is clear even when muted. Subtitles can help improve comprehension and increase engagement.

4. Vertical Videos: The New Frontier for Marketers

Marketers who’ve embraced vertical videos have enjoyed increased engagement rates. Social platforms reward this adaptation with enhanced visibility. Therefore, understanding and leveraging this shift can be a critical element in your marketing strategy.

In this digital age, audiences value convenience and mobility, and vertical videos meet this need head-on. As we move further into the mobile-first era, the companies that succeed will be those who understand and adapt to this reality.

vertical video shoot with a smart phone of a group of dancers | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire5. Wrapping It Up: Stay Ahead of the Curve

The rise of vertical videos is not just a momentary blip on the radar. It’s a monumental shift that reflects our changing consumption habits. If you’re looking to connect with today’s mobile-first audience, adapting your content to fit the vertical format is crucial.

This vertical video revolution underscores an essential truth – success in the digital marketing landscape depends on understanding your audience and evolving with them. As vertical becomes the new default, stay ahead of the curve and make this powerful format an integral part of your content strategy.

6. Ready to Embrace the Vertical Video Revolution?

In a world where the majority of content is consumed on-the-go, vertical videos are no longer an option—they’re a necessity. It’s time to rethink your content strategy and start creating compelling vertical videos that will engage your audience, wherever they may be.

Remember, the vertical video revolution is here, and it’s here to stay. Are you ready to embrace it?

Luke Lv

Luke Lv is the Co-founder of Lumira Studio. With his passion for visual storytelling, Luke has established Lumira Studio as a renowned hub for video marketing expertise. Drawing upon his deep understanding of brand promotion and engagement, Luke's innovative approach has made Lumira Studio a trusted partner for brands seeking captivating and impactful campaigns.

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