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Video marketing trends change slightly each year. As it evolves with changing consumer preferences, technological innovations, and social media platforms. To stay ahead of the curve and get the most out of your video marketing efforts, you need to keep an eye on the latest trends and best practices. Here are five areas we should watch out for on Video Marketing Trends in 2023.

1. Live video will dominate social media

Live video is not a new phenomenon, but it is becoming more popular and accessible than ever before. According to a report by Grand View Research, the global live video streaming market size is expected to reach $184.3 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.4% from 2020 to 2027.

Vlogger get ready for live stream | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire

Live video allows you to connect with your audience in real time, showcase your personality and authenticity, and create a sense of urgency and exclusivity. You can use live video to host Q&A sessions, interviews, product launches, tutorials, behind-the-scenes tours, and more. Live video also boosts your organic reach and engagement on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, as they prioritise live content in their algorithms.

2. Short-form video will continue to rise

Short-form video is any video content that is less than 60 seconds long. It is ideal for capturing the attention of busy and distracted consumers who have short attention spans and consume content on the go.

stylish-trendy-woman-recording-dance-video-for-social | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire

Short-form video can also help you convey your message quickly and effectively, without losing your viewers’ interest. Short-form video is especially popular on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and Snapchat Spotlight, where users can create and share entertaining, educational, or inspirational videos with catchy music, filters, stickers, and effects. Short-form video can help you increase your brand awareness, reach new audiences, showcase your products or services, and drive traffic to your website or landing page.

3. Interactive video will enhance user experience

Interactive video is any video content that allows the viewer to interact with it in some way, such as clicking on buttons, answering questions, choosing options, or providing feedback.

Interactive video can help you create a more engaging and personalised user experience for your audience, as well as collect valuable data and insights on their preferences and behavior. You can use interactive video to create quizzes, polls, surveys, games, branching scenarios, shoppable videos, and more. Interactive video can help you increase your conversion rates, retention rates, loyalty rates, and customer satisfaction.

4. User-generated content (UGC) will boost social proof

User-generated content  | Lumira Studio Video Production Hertfordshire

User-generated content (UGC) is any content that is created and shared by your customers or fans online, such as reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, or social media posts. UGC can help you build trust and credibility with your audience, as they are more likely to believe and relate to the opinions and experiences of their peers than your own branded messages.

UGC can also help you increase your brand awareness, reach new audiences, generate word-of-mouth referrals, and drive more sales. You can encourage your customers to create and share UGC by running contests, giveaways, challenges, campaigns, or hashtags.

5. Video SEO will optimise your visibility and ranking

Video SEO is the process of optimising your video content for search engines like Google and YouTube. Video SEO can help you improve your visibility and ranking on the search results pages (SERPs), as well as drive more organic traffic to your website or channel.

Video SEO involves using relevant keywords in your title, description, tags, captions, thumbnails, and transcripts; creating high-quality and engaging content that matches the user intent; adding structured data or schema markup to your videos; embedding your videos on your website or blog; and promoting your videos on social media and other platforms.

These are some of the video marketing trends that you should watch out for in 2023. By following these trends and implementing them in your video marketing strategy, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve better results for your business.



    • What is live video, and why is it important for video marketing?
      A: Live video is real-time video content that allows you to connect with your audience and showcase your personality and authenticity. It’s important for video marketing because it boosts your organic reach and engagement on social media platforms.

    • What is short-form video, and why is it popular?
      A: Short-form video is any video content that is less than 60 seconds long, and it’s popular because it captures the attention of busy and distracted consumers who have short attention spans and consume content on the go.

    • What is interactive video, and how can it benefit your video marketing?
      A: Interactive video is any video content that allows the viewer to interact with it in some way. It can benefit your video marketing by creating a more engaging and personalised user experience for your audience, as well as collecting valuable data and insights on their preferences and behavior.

    • What is user-generated content (UGC), and why is it important for video marketing?
      A: User-generated content (UGC) is any content that is created and shared by your customers or fans online. It’s important for video marketing because it helps build trust and credibility with your audience, as they are more likely to believe and relate to the opinions and experiences of their peers than your own branded messages.

    • What is video SEO, and how can it improve your video marketing?
      A: Video SEO is the process of optimising your video content for search engines like Google and YouTube. It can improve your video marketing by improving your visibility and ranking on the search results pages (SERPs), as well as driving more organic traffic to your website or channel.
Luke Lv

Luke Lv is the Co-founder of Lumira Studio. With his passion for visual storytelling, Luke has established Lumira Studio as a renowned hub for video marketing expertise. Drawing upon his deep understanding of brand promotion and engagement, Luke's innovative approach has made Lumira Studio a trusted partner for brands seeking captivating and impactful campaigns.

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