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Day 2: Conceptualisation – Breathing Life into Ideas

Welcome to Day 2 of our Secret Weapon: A 7 Day Guide to Mastering Business Video Production. Now that we’ve unravelled the significance of business video production, let’s delve deeper into the process. Today is all about ideation and conceptualisation – the birthplace of all great business videos. It’s time to allow your creativity to roam free and breathe life into your ideas!

a seven-day journey on video production-day 2-Conceptualisation_2 | Lumira Studio Video Production HertfordshireDefining Your Video’s Purpose

Before we dive headfirst into ideation, it’s vital to define the purpose of your video. Are you looking to promote a new product? Or maybe you want to create a company culture video? Defining the purpose gives you a clear roadmap and helps keep your conceptualisation process focused.

Brainstorming: Let the Ideas Flow

With the purpose defined, it’s time for a brainstorming session. Don’t hold back – let your creativity run wild. Remember, there’s no such thing as a bad idea in a brainstorming session. Write down everything that comes to mind. From wacky, out-of-the-box concepts to more conventional ideas – jot them all down. This process is all about quantity, not quality.

Storyboarding: Crafting the Narrative

Once you have a pool of ideas, the next step is to construct your narrative. This is where storyboarding comes in. It’s a visual representation of your video, scene by scene. It helps to organise your ideas and provides a clear picture of how the video will unfold. From the opening scene to the closing shot – the storyboard is your video’s blueprint.

Choosing the Video Format

Now that you have your narrative, it’s time to decide on the video format. Will it be an animation, a live-action video, or perhaps a combination of both? Your choice depends on the nature of your narrative and your brand’s identity. For instance, explainer videos work great with animation, while customer testimonials are best suited for live-action.

Identifying Your Target Audience

Let’s not forget, at the end of the day, your video is for your audience. Hence, it’s crucial to identify who they are. Understanding your audience helps in fine-tuning your narrative and video format to suit their preferences. It also aids in determining the video’s tone, style, and message.

Setting the Tone and Style

Last but not least, it’s essential to decide on the tone and style of your video. Is it going to be formal or casual? Is it humorous or serious? The tone and style should align with your brand’s identity and the message you’re trying to convey.

And voila! You’ve successfully navigated through Day 2 of our guide. You’re now armed with a well-defined concept for your business video. As we wrap up today, remember, conceptualisation is where the magic begins. It’s where your ideas evolve into a compelling narrative that has the potential to captivate your audience. So, let your creativity run wild and watch as your ideas come to life.

Stay tuned for Day 3, where we delve into the art of scripting. It’s going to be one exciting ride, so hold on to your seats!

Luke Lv

Luke Lv is the Co-founder of Lumira Studio. With his passion for visual storytelling, Luke has established Lumira Studio as a renowned hub for video marketing expertise. Drawing upon his deep understanding of brand promotion and engagement, Luke's innovative approach has made Lumira Studio a trusted partner for brands seeking captivating and impactful campaigns.

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